More Advancements in Perl Programming

Around Easter last year, I finished writing the second edition of Advanced Perl Programming, a task that had been four years in the making. The aim of this new edition was to reflect the way that Perl programming had changed since the first edition. Much of what Sriram wrote in the original edition was still true, but to be honest, not too much of it was useful anymore–the Perl world has changed dramatically since the original publication.

The first edition was very much about how to do things yourself; it operated at a very low level by current Perl standards. With the explosion of CPAN modules in the interim, “advanced Perl programming” now consists of plugging all of the existing components together in the right order, rather than necessarily writing the components from scratch. So the nature of the book had to change a lot.

However, CPAN is still expanding, and the Perl world continues to change; Advanced Perl Programming can never be a finished book, but only a snapshot in time. On top of all that, I’ve been learning more, too, and discovering more tricks to get work done smarter and faster. Even during the writing of the book, some of the best practices changed and new modules were developed.

The book is still, I believe, an excellent resource for learning how to master Perl programming, but here, if you like, I want to add to that resource. I’ll try to say something about the developments that have happened in each chapter of the book.

Advanced Perl

I’m actually very happy with this chapter. The only thing I left out of the first chapter which may have been useful there is a section on tie; but this is covered strongly in Programming Perl anyway.

On the other hand, although it’s not particularly advanced, one of the things I wish I’d written about in the book was best practices for creating object-oriented modules. My fellow O’Reilly author Damian Conway has already written two books about these topics, so, again, I didn’t get too stressed out about having to leave those sections out. That said, the two modules I would recommend for building OO classes don’t appear to get a mention in Perl Best Practices.

First, we all know it’s a brilliant idea to create accessors for our data members in a class; however, it’s also a pain in the neck to create them yourself. There seem to be hundreds of CPAN modules that automate the process for you, but the easiest is the Class::Accessor module. With this module, you declare which accessors you want, and it will automatically create them. As a useful bonus, it creates a default new() method for you if you don’t want to write one of those, either.

Instead of:

package MyClass;

sub new { bless { %{@_} }, shift; }

sub name {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) { $self->{name} = shift; }

sub address {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) { $self->{address} = shift; }

you can now say:

package MyClass;
use base qw(Class::Accessor);

MyClass->mk_accessors(qw( name address ));

Class::Accessor also contains methods for making read-only accessors and for creating separate read and write accessors, and everything is nicely overrideable. Additionally, there are subclasses that extend Class::Accessor in various ways: Class::Accessor::Fast trades off a bit of the extensibility for an extra speed boost, Class::Accessor::Chained returns the object when called with parameters, and Class::Accessor::Assert does rudimentary type checking on the parameter values. There are many, many modules on the CPAN that do this sort of thing, but this one is, in my opinion, the most flexible and simple.

Speaking of flexibility, one way to encourage flexibility in your modules and applications is to make them pluggable–that is, to allow other pieces of code to respond to actions that you define. Module::Pluggable is a simple but powerful little module that searches for installed modules in a given namespace. Here’s an example of its use in Email::FolderType:

use Module::Pluggable 
    search_path => "Email::FolderType", 
    require     => 1, 
    sub_name    => 'matchers';

This looks for all modules underneath the Email::FolderType:: namespace, requires them, and assembles a list of their classes into the matchers method. The module later determines the type of an email folder by passing it to each of the recognizers and seeing which of them handles it, with the moral equivalent of:

sub folder_type {
    my ($self, $folder) = @_;
    for my $class ($self->matchers) {
        return $class if $class->match($folder);

This means you don’t need to know, when you’re writing the code, what folder types you support; you can start off with no recognizers and add them later. If a new type of email folder comes along, the user can install a third-party module from CPAN that deals with it, and Email::FolderType requires no additional coding to add support for it.


Perhaps the biggest change of heart I had between writing a chapter and its publication was in the parsing chapter. That chapter had very little about parsing HTML, and what it did have was not very friendly. Since then, Gisle Aas and Sean Burke’s HTML::TreeBuilder and the corresponding XML::TreeBuilder have established themselves as much simpler and more flexible ways to navigate HTML and XML documents.

The basic concept in HTML::TreeBuilder is the HTML element, represented as an object of the HTML::Element class:

$a = HTML::Element->new('a', href => '');
$html = $a->as_HTML;

This creates a new element that is an anchor tag, with an href attribute. The HTML equivalent in $html would be <a href=""/>.

Now you can add some content to that tag:

$a->push_content("The Perl Homepage");

This time, the object represents <a href=""> The Perl Homepage </a>.

You can ask this element for its tag, its attributes, its content, and so on:

$tag = $a->tag;
$link = $a->attr("href");
@content = $a->content_list; # More HTML::Element nodes

Of course, when you are parsing HTML, you won’t be creating those elements manually. Instead, you’ll be navigating a tree of them, built out of your HTML document. The top-level module HTML::TreeBuilder does this for you:

use HTML::TreeBuilder;
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();

Now $tree is a HTML::Element object representing the <html> tag and all its contents. You can extract all of the links with the extract_links() method:

for (@{ $tree->extract_links() || [] }) {
     my($link, $element, $attr, $tag) = @$_;
     print "Found link to $link in $tag\n";

Although the real workhorse of this module is the look_down() method, which helps you pull elements out of the tree by their tags or attributes. For instance, in a search engine indexer, indexing HTML files, I have the following code:

for my $tag ($tree->look_down("_tag","meta")) {
    next unless $tag->attr("name");
    $hash{$tag->attr("name")} .= $tag->attr("content"). " ";

$hash{title} .= $_->as_text." " for $tree->look_down("_tag","title");

This finds all <meta> tags and puts their attributes as name-value pairs in a hash; then it puts all the text inside of <title> tags together into another hash element. Similarly, you can look for tags by attribute value, spit out sub-trees as HTML or as text, and much more, besides. For reaching into HTML text and pulling out just the bits you need, I haven’t found anything better.

On the XML side of things, XML::Twig has emerged as the usual “middle layer,” when XML::Simple is too simple and XML::Parser is, well, too much like hard work.


There’s not much to say about templating, although in retrospect, I would have spent more of the paper expended on HTML::Mason talking about the Template Toolkit instead. Not that there’s anything wrong with HTML::Mason, but the world seems to be moving away from templates that include code in a specific language (say, Perl’s) towards separate templating little languages, like TAL and Template Toolkit.

The only thing to report is that Template Toolkit finally received a bit of attention from its maintainer a couple of months ago, but the long-awaited Template Toolkit 3 is looking as far away as, well, Perl 6.

Natural Language Processing

Who would have thought that the big news of 2005 would be that Yahoo is relevant again? Not only are they coming up with interesting new search technologies such as Y!Q, but they’re releasing a lot of the guts behind what they’re doing as public APIs. One of those that is particularly relevant for NLP is the Term Extraction web service.

This takes a chunk of text and pulls out the distinctive terms and phrases. Think of this as a step beyond something like Lingua::EN::Keywords, with the firepower of Yahoo behind it. To access the API, simply send a HTTP POST request to a given URL:

use LWP::UserAgent;
use XML::Twig;
my $uri  = "";
my $ua   = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $resp = $ua->post($uri, {
    appid   => "PerlYahooExtractor",
    context => <<EOF
Two Scottish towns have seen the highest increase in house prices in the
UK this year, according to new figures. 
Alexandria in West Dunbartonshire and Coatbridge in North Lanarkshire
both saw an average 35% rise in 2005. 
if ($resp->is_success) { 
    my $xmlt = XML::Twig->new( index => [ "Result" ]);
    for my $result (@{ $xmlt->index("Result") || []}) {
        print $result->text;

This produces:

north lanarkshire
scottish towns
west dunbartonshire
house prices

Once I had informed the London Perl Mongers of this amazing discovery, Simon Wistow immediately bundled it up into a Perl module called Lingua::EN::Keywords::Yahoo, coming soon to a CPAN mirror near you.


The best news about Unicode over the last year is that you should not have noticed any major changes. By now, the core Unicode support in Perl just works, and most of the CPAN modules that deal with external data have been updated to work with Unicode.

If you don’t see or hear anything about Unicode, that’s a good thing: it means it’s all working properly.


The chapter on POE was a great introduction to how POE works and some of the things that you can do with it, but it focused on using POE for networking applications and for daemons. This is only half the story. Recently a lot of interest has centered on using POE for graphical and command-line applications: Randal Schwartz takes over from the RSS aggregator at the end of the chapter by integrating it with a graphical interface in “Graphical interaction with POE and Tk.” Here, I want to consider command-line applications.

The Term::Visual module is a POE component for creating applications with a split-screen interface; at the bottom of the interface, you type your input, and the output appears above a status line. The module handles all of the history, status bar updates, and everything else for you. Here’s an application that uses Chatbot::Eliza to provide therapeutic session with everyone’s favorite digital psychiatrist.

First, set up the chatbot and create a new Term::Visual object:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use POE;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Term::Visual;
use Chatbot::Eliza;
my $eliza = Chatbot::Eliza->new();
my $vt    = Term::Visual->new( Alias => "interface" );

Now create the window, which will have space on its status bar for a clock:

my $window_id = $vt->create_window(
   Status => { 0 => { format => "[%8.8s]", fields => ["time"] } },
   Title => "Eliza" 

You also need a POE::Session, which will do all the work. It will have three states; the first is the _start state, to tell Term::Visual what to do with any input it gets from the keyboard and to update the clock:

(inline_states =>
  { _start          => sub {
        $_[KERNEL]->post( interface => send_me_input => "got_term_input" );
        $_[KERNEL]->yield( "update_time" );

Updating the clock is simply a matter of setting the time field declared earlier to the current time, and scheduling another update at the top of the next minute:

    update_time     => sub {
        $vt->set_status_field( $window_id,
                               time => strftime("%I:%M %p", localtime) );
        $_[KERNEL]->alarm( update_time => int(time() / 60) * 60 + 60 );

Finally, you need to handle the input from the user. Do that in a separate subroutine to make things a big clearer:

    got_term_input  => \&handle_term_input,


When Term::Visual gets a line of text from the user, it passes it to the state declared in the _start state. The code takes that text, prints it to the terminal as an echo, and then passes it through Eliza:

sub handle_term_input {
  my ($heap, $input) = @_[HEAP, ARG0];
  if ($input =~ m{^/quit}i) {

  $vt->print($window_id, "> $input");
  $vt->print($window_id, $eliza->transform($input));

In just a few lines of code you have a familiar interface, similar to many IRC or MUD clients, with POE hiding all of the event handling away.


Advanced Perl Programming showed how to write tests so that we all can be more sure that our code is doing what it should. How do you know your tests are doing enough? Enter Paul Johnson’s Devel::Cover!

Devel::Cover makes a record of each time a Perl operation or statement is executed, and then compares this against the statements in your code. So when you’re running your tests, you can see which of the code paths in your module get exercised and which don’t; if you have big branches of code that never get tested, maybe you should write more tests for them!

To use it on an uninstalled module:

$ cover -delete
$ HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES=-MDevel::Cover make test
$ cover

This will give you a textual summary of code coverage; cover -report html produces a colorized, navigable hypertext summary, useful for showing to bosses.

This ensures that your code works–or at least, that it does what your tests specify. The next step is to ensure that your code is actually of relatively decent quality. Because “quality” is a subjective metric when it comes to the art of programming, Perl folk have introduced the objective of “Kwalitee” instead, which may or may not have any bearing on quality.

All modules on CPAN have their Kwalitee measured as part of the CPANTS (CPAN Testing Service) website. One way to test for and increase your Kwalitee is to use the Module::Build::Kwalitee module; this copies some boilerplate tests into your distribution that ensure that you have adequate and syntactically correct documentation, that you use strict and warnings, and so on.

All of this ought to go a fair way to improving the Kwalitee of your code, if not its actual quality!


One of the things that has come over into Perl 5 from Perl 6 development is the concept of the Native Call Interface (NCI). This hasn’t fully been developed yet, but chromatic (yes, the editor of this very site) has been working on it.

The idea is that, instead of having something like Inline or XS that creates a “buffer” between Perl and C libraries, you just call those libraries directly. At the moment, you need to compile any XS module against the library you’re using. This is particularly awkward for folk on cut-down operating systems that do not ship a compiler, such as Palm OS or Windows.

The strength of NCI is that it doesn’t require a compiler; instead, it uses the operating system’s normal means of making calls into libraries. (Hence “Native Call.”) It uses Perl’s DynaLoader to find libraries, load them, and then find the address of symbols inside of the library. Then it calls a generic “thunk” function to turn the symbol’s address into a call. For instance:

my $lib = P5NCI::Library->new( library => 'nci_test', package => 'NCI' );
$lib->install_function( 'double_int', 'ii' );

my $two = NCI::double_int( 1 );

These lines find the nci_test shared library and get ready to put its functions into the NCI namespace. It then installs the function double_int, which is of signature int double_int(int) (hence ii). Once this is done, you can call the function from Perl. It’s not much trickier than Inline, but without the intermediate step of compilation.

NCI isn’t quite there yet, and it only supports very simple function signatures. However, because of its portability, it’s definitely the one to watch for Perl-C interfaces in the future.

Everything Else

The last chapter is “Fun with Perl.” Now, much has happened in the world of Perl fun, but much has happened all over Perl. There were many other things I wanted to write about, as well: CPAN best practices for date/time handling and email handling, Perl 6 and Pugs, the very latest web application frameworks such as Catalyst and Jifty, and so on. But all these would fill another book–and if I ever finished that, it too would require an update like this one. So I hope this is enough for you to be getting on with!



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